Hello, did you notice I was gone for a while?

It took a while to release this episode because at first it wasn’t good enough work for me and my closest friend believed I could do better. Also because I have decided to publish nothing but good and accurate information for you guys, I decided to take my time on it.

But finally it’s out. I’m so excited.

Yes, attitude is everything!

One of the most important steps you can take towards achieving your greatest potential in life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your relationships, work performance, and everyone around you. Wrong attitudes to people and things have caused irreconcilable breakups in every kind of relationship. We all know the weight of the consequences that we incur. Human relationships which we spoke about in the previous episode has this major bond that helps us in maximizing the human resources positioned in our lives.

Attitude as minute as it seems can make a big difference in one’s life. If you are willing to improve yourself, then you should watch your attitude.
Do you know your attitude is 100% within your control? You must learn to reflect, and take hold of your attitudes.
Attitude comprises basically of mindset, viewpoint, beliefs, etc. These basic elements add to the personality you are.

Psychologically, there are three different types of attitudes that are openly stated. These are cognitive, emotional, and behavioral attitudes.

Cognitive attitude is developed based on the knowledge you acquire and the confidence you have in that singular subject. Being able to deliver excellently above all on a subject matter. It builds your confidence.

Emotional attitudes are the spontaneous responses you give out based on what you see, hear, feel, smell, and touch. Most people don’t know how to keep this attitude under control. We will learn about that later in this article.

Behavioral attitudes are the visible reactions you give to things, situations, and your environment. This is one attitude we all should put under serious control.

There are ways to observe and develop your attitudes and I’ll be mentioning a few of them.

Inner dialogues with oneself: This is very powerful because the more you practice this act you discover more things about yourself and you can place yourself under accurate monitoring if you are sincere with yourself. This aids you in judging the effects of your actions and also helps to subsequently weigh the effects of your actions.

Self cross-check: Keep a constant check on yourself after every action or whenever you are alone. I look for a quiet place and ruminate over my actions checking them from the lenses of the scriptures.

Self-motivation: becoming a better version of you requires keeping your motivation on the high by the things that matter to you. Personal values are driven by your mission/life statement, these give you the motivation to keep at your game; regardless of the circumstances. It is normal to encounter challenges, but we mustn’t be defeated. Every challenge life throws at you must be an opportunity for growth and development, not that you give in. While we get a lot of motivation from our boss, colleagues, family members, spouse, and the community at large. We mustn’t become so dependent on the external whereby neglecting the inner working of self-motivation.

Self-discipline: Set rules and principles for yourself then ensure you observe them and do not drop your standards for any reason; don’t disallow yourself from listening to other people’s opinions on relatable issues, however, gather those pieces of information and sieve them based on your own stated guidelines ad principles because, at any point, you remain the custodian of your actions and will be held responsible for them.

Things you can do to improve your attitude and behaviors:
Self-Coaching Through Daily Affirmations

According to Jim Kwik, a brain coach who has mentored the leading minds in the world. He made an explanation that “there are no such things as a good or bad memory, there is just a trained memory and untrained memory”. He expounded that statement by explaining the psychology of the brain “your brain is like a supercomputer, your self-talk is the programs it will run”. This is the science of programming yourself for positivity and whatever you want your brain to execute. This would bring us to something similar to affirmations, a process of training the brain, programming it for mental optimization, and continuous delivery. A form of self-forced meditation or repetition of words. Affirmations repeated often each day, every day, serve to reconstruct your subconscious with positive thinking. An affirmation is made up of words charged with power, conviction, and faith which can help you overcome challenges and negative thoughts. You send a positive response to your subconscious, which accepts whatever you tell it. When done properly, this triggers positive feelings that, in turn, drive positive actions.

Act with a reason

Before you make a move or take any action always ask yourself why should I do this? If your actions are with a purpose it’s present you to be organized and excellent. Purposeless actions or those with less genuine reasons could cost us a lot even our relationships.

Spend time with people who have a positive attitude

This is a must if you want to improve your attitude. The people you surround yourself with most of the time will reflect upon you and how you live your life. So always make sure that these people share your positive vibe, and lift you rather than bring you down. We are all humans, so there will be times when we get a bit down that’s why it’s more important to have good, positive people on hand to encourage, support, and inspire you.

Learn to say please and thank you

When you say thank you to help offered to you, it strengthens the relationship and shows that you sincerely appreciate the help likewise please when you need assistance from someone else. It’s just being polite.

Expect positivity out of every situation.

At a time complaining became a habitual behavior and seems normal but my mum was always there to correct me and also teach me to say positive things whenever I am in such kind of state.
Finally, now, we see what we expect and when our expectations are cut short we get disappointed. Stay positive and you will see a difference in your attitude.

There are a few different types of attitudes and behaviors. I will be taking about them one after the other

So don’t stop following because we will be discussing them from the next episode.

Your best is yet to come.

Published by VOT (Victor Olukunle Taiwo)

VOT is a young man with the desire to see other young people living a life pleasing to God. He is an intercessor and a lover of Gospel music. He is the CEO/founder of VOT DESIGNS.

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